Later I'll meet some friends at school for studying. I feel stressed out but I'll try to enjoy the study session: probably it's the last one ever with some of them. Feels so fucking sad. I complained so long so much about fucking university, and now I hate to think about leaving 'cause I somehow learned to like it and I'll miss it.
This has been my busiest[est] week so far in 2006. Also, my most creative[st] one. Lots of insights, lots of inspiration: all wasted 'cause I'm oversmoking or eating out of anxiety (nice things by the way: yesterday I had probably best double-meat burguer ever and then some enchiladad suizas and then chocolate cheese cake and chocolate milkshake mmmh) while studying. Haven't been able to sit and write down ideas, 'cause there's so much to read, photocopies to make, nots to find, conferences to attend.
Funnily enough, I feel like I haven't done much, the stress has consumed me and i'm sorta' paralized, kinda' numb, my mind is elsewhere. Feel like I had lots of time to study and never did or just 'pretended' I did, my book in front of me, without memorizing a thing.
So I was complaining about why, why, why in hell do I leave everything to the last minute, until I found my mom downstairs running: she's hosting 12 of her friends for breakfast and she hasn't got anything quite ready yet. So, there I was, squeezing oranges and moving the table and setting the plates and heating up loads of tamales while worrying and stressing out.
So many things to enjoy but so many others to study so that the grade is decent tomorrow. Girl who used to be my best friend from high school graduates today at 6 P.M., will have to pause and make it to give her a hug. Feels so weird...
Another girl is celebrating birthday tonight and expects me to show up for even 5 min. tonight. Last year I couldn't make it and promised to death I'd make it this one. How dumb. No one can ever plan things. Life is so unpredictable. Who would say I'd be graduating? Who would say I'm not finally performing onstage?
Who would say that I miss people who cannot be with me just today? Who would say i wanna cry my brains out thinking about that 'ca use I really need it and I really miss her and I want her to see me when I'm graduated and she's the only one important that day but she won't be phisically with me so that I can see how proud of me she'd be? And of course, as everything in this system, has to be shut down and shut up and swallowed until the 'right' moment: because I got a whole fuckin lot to study and I just CAN'T be emotional today. Can't be sensible. Parce-que les etres sensibles ne sot pas des etres sensés, right? Not today. Maybe tomorrow after the exam is due.
After this, I want to make some lists, and write down an idea about a shortfilm that I really don't wanna forget because so far inside my head feels like a great one, but probably will have to take off to get together at a good time with my friends and live that 'final' study session (hopefully they're not too stressed out too). Wanna bring a camera and take a pic but maybe not, maybe they'll find me ridiculous if I do that. So, maybe tomorrow, when I try to reproduce the idea again, it'll be dead.
And life is a fuckin' rollercoaster, either too high or too short...when you're busy you're loaded, when you're free you're empty, and I don't know which of those I prefer...
P!nk just released one of the best songs of 2006, it's called Who knew, one of those songs tha become yours instantly, so I'm craving for it, and i need to sit down and listen to it all over again until I learn it then sing it then shout it then lose my voice to it. Maybe tomorrow...
7 comentarios:
Entiendo perfecto! El semestre pasado fue mi último, y no sabes el horror que fue acabar la universidad, era como cerrar un capítulo en q me la había pasado taaaan bien y no lo quería dejar ir, además, un terror por lo q seguía, por "crecer"... sin embargo, todo te va llevando a mejores cosas, y obvio vas a extrañar el rock que echabas y a veces hasta las clases... así q equis si los demás creen q ni al caso con q saques fotos en tu última sesión de estudios, please hazlo, y toma las caras de agobie, desvelados y hartos de todos, para compararlas con las de la fiesta terminando el examen!
On the other hand, don't be blue about missing her, she's always there, even if you can't see or touch her, she loves you sooooo much! trust me, she wouldn't miss it for the world!
Felicidades, verás q de aquí en adelante te irá bomba!!! Todo lo mejor.
Un besote
We only realize the good things we had after losing them!
This cycle of your live ends and a new one begins, the so-called real live.
You’re gonna do just fine!
Una avalancha de sentimientos encontrados… “¡Me urge terminar!” “¿Qué vendrá mañana?” “ Cómo lo voy a extrañar!” “En algún momento fui parte de..?” “ No es la escuela, son las personas...” solo puedo decir que es una etapa inolvidable, que disfruté muchísimo, disfruté los enojos, las desveladas, a los amigos… tuve más de una crisis vocacional, sentimientos muy negativos pero también algunos de los mejores momentos de mi vida. Y UNA VEZ MÀS ME SIENTO IDENTIFICADA CON TU TEXTO JESUSITO!!! Mucho éxito en tu examen (deséame a mi también suerte, espero ahora si terminar mi última materia, para terminar este ciclo por el cual he dejado tantas cosas. ALGUIEN ME DIGO QUE HABIA VIDA DESPUÈS DEL ITAM, Y CREEME, LA HAY!!! TE QUIERO MUCHO
Siempre, la palabra adecuada, dicha de la manera adecuada, en el momento adecuado, pueden calmar tristezas, catalizar milagros. Te agradezco todo lo que comentaste, en espacial lo que escribiste en inglés. [Abrazo]Gracias de verdad.
Qué gusto una vez más! Suerte por supuesto en tu examen, por cierto, quiero estar en tu examen profesional, si es que va a ser abierto al público. Avísame. Yo también tqm!
It's been my pleasure!! Te juro, cuando quieras :) Por cierto, espero ver esas fotos
Mucha suerte!!
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